Create Value with Human Relations

Through focused attention on both your mindset and your approach to people in your organisation, you make a huge difference for your organisation.

In cooperation with Ex3, you can future-proof your organisation with a Human Relations approach ensuring strong relationships and a healthy organisational culture.

Human Relations is the way we relate to ourselves, to others, and to the planet

This is precisely what matters for well-being. Well-being is crucial to your employees performance and whether they remain healthy and fit. Accordingly, well-being is important for your bottom line and even for socio-economy. 

Let's talk about Human Relations in your organisation!

Let's Solve the Challenges of the Future

Going forward - and in fact already - organisations face great challenges. 

Do you recognise some of these challenges of today? 

  • Sustainability, climate, and the UN's Sustainable Development Goals.
  • Recruitment and retention of valuable employees.
  • Gender equality and equal opportunities on the agenda.
  • Trust vs. Control - based on new forms of employment.
  • Globalisation in renewed strength, world economy, sustainability, transport, and logistics.
  • New economy and multiple bottom lines.

Several pieces in the future puzzle call for a clear Human Relations strategy to equip your organisation for the future. 

"As organisations today, we are constantly undergoing transformation. At the same time, we must ensure that we create the best framework for people in our organisation to thrive - and make new people want to be part of our organisation."

Good relationships secure the future of the organisation

People meet people in workplaces. Strong professional and social relationships in your organisation form a foundation of connectedness between managers and employees - both at an individual and at a collective level.

When your managers take the lead with a holistic approach to both the organisation and employees, they create the best conditions for employee well-being and great results on all bottom lines.

As an employer, we play an important role in making society function as a whole, ensuring health and using the available resources as best we can, taking sustainability into account.

In order to attract and retain the best workforce in your organisation, you must create good growth and development conditions for people. And this starts with ensuring that your employees are content and want to work for the good of the organisation. Commitment, competences, and ability to navigate become central pieces in the individual's life as well as in the entirety and future-proofing of the organisation. 

In terms of society, the labor market is the food chain for recreational life, sustainability and good family life. Human Relations - is not just something that happens in the HR department, it is a basic philosophy of great importance to all of us - both in the short and long term. 

Contact us if you want learn more about how to work with Human Relations.

"Our intention with bringing the paradigm shift into the development of the Human Relations concept, is to make the final and important break with the traditional Human Resources mindset."

Human Relations is the Heart of Culture Design

The great influence of working life on our lives, calls on our willingness to new ways of understanding, measuring and developing culture in ourorganisations. This is where we need culture design. 

When you acknowledge the strength and value of good relationships that create commitment, psychological safety, ownership, etc., you can work on designing a relationship-building culture that matches the people who unfold their potential and contribute to the cohesiveness of your organisation.

"One size fits one" - We need to have the dialogues on finding solutions that work for us as an organisation as well as for the individual."

Let's Meet in the Vision

We're on a mission, and we invite you to join our journey!

Let's examine the foundations of your organisation together, and let's use our findings to decide how you take the next important steps towards your vision with a Human Relations view of human nature. 

Let's talk about your thoughts of the future.

Human Relations Version 2.0

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5 strong pieces of advice for the current paradigm shift within HR, reflections on trends, dilemmas and requirements for HR. Sign up for our newsletter and get "Human Relations version 2.0" for free.