We help value-based organisations develop strong cultures that create healthy and powerful results

We do this through data, dialogue and education.
And a strong theoretical foundation.

We've made it easy for you to measure and work with culture

Culture is crucial for you to achieve the results you strive for. At Ex3 People, you can supplement your Key Performance Indicators (KPI) with People Culture Indicators (PCI).

You get a platform and easily accessible tools and methods to measure the culture of your organisation. And you get unique dialogue-based tools to develop a strong and positive culture that contributes directly to the well-being, sustainability and financial success of your business.

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New unique leadership programme!

Expansive Leadership is an internal leadership training programme for your entire leadership team to ensure common direction, a strong culture and strong results.

The 30-month programme includes theory, models, tools, certification, workshops, analysis platform and your own platform for all course materials, sharing your reflections and more.
