Strengthen your Organisation with Culture as a Management Tool!

Med PCI får du helt nye muligheder for at måle menneskelige og kulturelle elementer. Med det kan I skabe fælles sprog på alle niveauer, sammenhæng og fremtidssikre jeres organisation med en stærk kultur med nye indsigter gennem People Culture Indicators.

Shape an Attractive Workplace

Imagine being able to continuously follow your HR development, similar to the way you navigate by key figures and KPIs... PCI data gives you an overview, insights and can provide the entire organisation with a common management universe and a shared language.

  • PCI is an operational tool to future-proof your organisation as an attractive workplace.
  • PCI gives you awareness to take your next important step.
  • PCI enables you to target your efforts in organisational development to where they create the greatest value for you.


People Culture Indicators - Valuable HR Data for your Organisation Development

Our innovative measurement can support you and your organisation in business and organisational development.

We call this measurement PCI – People Culture Indicators.

Gennem spørgeskemaer kan I måle på en række kulturelle indikatorer, der tilsammen giver værdifulde HR-data til at træffe bevidste valg for jeres næste vigtige skridt.


I kan med PCI-data vælge jeres fokus og opnå  indsigt i f.eks. jeres overordnede kultur, jeres ledelseskultur, jeres teamkultur, jeres bæredygtighedskultur, så I kan skabe de optimale vækst- og trivselsbetingelser i jeres organisation.

Receive your data within a month...

Introduction - digitally - for when it suits you

The project begins with a digital introduction of the indicators, in order to give everyone a good understanding of what it is all about and what is going to happen. The introduction ensures the necessary psychological security and presents the language you will encounter throughout the process.

Questionnaire - quick and easy

When you are ready, we will send you an email with a link. Then you can send the simple questionnaire to your selected target group. We ask them to rate the indicators on three parameters:


clarifies the strength of the indicators in your organisation. It shows you the employees' assessment of the indicators as they them see in the moment.


shows the visibility of the indicators in your everyday life. It showss you how easily your indicators can be identified in the organisation.


presents how the indicators should be prioritised for action. It shows you where the most relevant efforts will make the biggest impact.

Data processing - automated

All three parameters have a significant value individually, but the real value lies in their combination, from the collection of the answers. The data processing combines the results from the questionnaire in a series of graphic presentations, which become the starting point for feedback and dialogue about focal points and priorities for your organisation.

Feedback - detailed and value-creating

At the end of the process you get a detailed review of results and a report focusesed on your next, best steps as well as recommendations for how to continue working with PCI data in your organisation.

Du tilbydes lige nu PCI til en exceptionel introduktionspris. 

Contact us to learn more about how to strengthen your organisation and get started now.