Boost Your Organisational Culture

Controlling your organisation's future is difficult, but the right mindset—and tools—can help you to face change with confidence….

Ex3 offers a full concept of HR process tools for green transition, management, and team development as well as culture measurement and culture design, all of which strengthen and future-proof organisations by supporting sustainable working life.

Together, we can investige your existing organisation culture using our newly developed measurement tool, PCI data. Based on the data generated, you can select and target your efforts so that they create the greatest value to shape your desired organizational culture. Ex3 tools are used both for administrative management and in the executing process, and they work in both digital and social HR.

Culture is the Glue AND the Barrier

When we talk about the sustainable working life, it basically concerns attracting and retaining labour, expanding the company's potential, supporting employees' well-being, ensuring relevant and value-creating development, as well as thinking long-term while making conscious, sustainable choices in everyday life.

Here, awareness of culture is a supporting element and forms a solid basis for the individual employee to experience working life in healthy balance.

Want a cup of coffe... Or do you want to get to know us better?

Start your development towards sustainable work life for your organisation here:

Ex3 and Sustainable Working Life

If you agree to the fact that we are in a major paradigm shift calling for new thoughts, methods and tools, read more about our perspective here at Ex3 People.

Learn about the history of Ex3, our holistic, visionary and dynamic approach: Explore Extend Exceed, cultural design and the sustainable working life, including how you can integrate 3 bottom lines – People, Planet, Profit. people, planet, profit.

Read more about our PCI measurements and data, which can support you in your business, to create the culture that creates the best conditions for your organisation to excel. 

Ex3 Tools & Education

Do you work with change processes and need new tools or are you looking for knowledge and training?

At Ex3 Vision you can read about the Ex3 process tools, how to become a partner and how to get certified in the tools that are relevant for you in your job or business. 

The Ex3 toolbox gives you the power to create successful change processes that extend the organisation's potential, create a common language and activate a sustainable culture.

Ex3 Networking & Lectures

If you want to be inspired and learn more about how to create a sustainable working life for yourself or your organisation, go to Ex3 Relation.

At Ex3 Relation you can see how we can support your professional and personal journey through networks - either within your own network or as part of the Ex3 network.

This is also where you can book a lecture on sustainable working life, team development, cultural design etc.


Culture is important

That is why we work with


All Around the Individual

The modern employee calls for involvement and meaning-making. And at the same time, the core task calls for targeting, visibility and predictability. Culture is the "glue" containing the language and the dynamics that make interdisciplinary cohesion possible and creates a whole. 

Organisational culture is formed exactly through what we do when solving the core task. Strengthen your organisation with TASC – Thinking, Attitude, Systems and Culture. 



As we expand our thinking with new awareness, common direction becomes clearer, beliefs are challenged, and stronger relationships emerge. 



When we pay special attention to attitudes, we can cultivate what is working and discard bad habits. This way, we can add the right skills and activate the potential within the organisation. 



Data is essential to examine whether what we do creates value. Traditionally, we have been working with financial data to measure value creation, but the time has come to use technology with a new kind of data – PCI data – that supports change processes and contributes to new methods and workflows. 



The glue of an organisation exists in its culture. By cultivating a healthy organisational culture, we strengthen the sense of community and a common language which provides a strong foundation for meeting the continuous changes that are an innate part of everyday life. 

Ex3 Vision

Tools & Education.........


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Ex3 Relation

Network & Publication.........


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Ex3 Consciousness - from the inside out

Our Consciousness from the inside out is at the heart of everything in Ex3. Models, process tools, training, networks, publications which are all about development and sustainable working life. We call it our Ex3 DNA. 

Ex3 Consciousness - from the outside in

Consciousness from the outside in is based on the coherence of theories, which throughout our working lives, we have witnessed make the biggest impact when theory meets practice.


Ex3 and The UN SDGs

The Sustainable Development Goals are a common language in our overall efforts in sustainable development.

Read about our primary goals and how, via our process tool, The Sustainability Compass, we apply the SDGs and support green and sustainable transition. 

Pay It Forward

Pay It Forward concerns the belief that by helping each other without expecting anything in return, we create a movement, more joy and make a big difference in the world. 

Pay It Forward is an important part of our business approach, which is why we donate 6% of our profits to causes that we select together with our partners.

Certification and Training

Ex3 provides a complete concept for management and team development – which can be used both in groups and 1:1. With certification in our tools, we equip you thoroughly to facilitate as well as read and interpret PCI data, in order for you to follow development closely and make conscious choices. 

 Our comprehensive concept opens up dialogue and creates a common understanding, a common language and a common direction at all organisational levels. This makes culture a strong anchor point, which will increase cohesion, strengthen employer branding and set the course for the organisation now and in the future.

Explore, Extend, Exceed er kernen i Ex3 tilgangen, som skaber fælles tilgang, sprog, forståelse og retning. På den måde får du både en omdrejningsakse og en struktur, som du kan arbejde med på alle organisatoriske niveauer.

Den logiske fremgangsmåde og tilgangen med først at udforske, så udvide og derefter udleve giver dig en  dynamisk og inddragende arbejdsproces.

Vi lever i en både & tid.

Vi har lavet en maggi-terning til dig, hvor vi har taget det bedste fra vores mange års erfaringer, herunder grundlæggende viden om kultur samt menneskers tænkning, adfærd og mentalitet, og integreret alt dette i Ex3 konceptet og den bevidstologi, som er vores fundament.

How to Create Sustainable Working Life

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Get 9 recommendations on how to make working life around you more sustainable, so that both you, your employees and your company can thrive. Sign up for our newsletter and receive "Sustainable Working Life" for free. 


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PCI - People Culture Indicators

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