Precision Tehnic Defence Group gathered the entire team across borders for a 3-day workshop in Ree Park, where the programme focused on the personal, collaboration and the organisation as a whole.
The employees had been sent and completed Ex3's PCI Team Culture Survey a week before they flew in from around the world. When we talk about organisational culture, there are essential and pervasive elements that unite people in organisations across national cultures. Elements that strengthen and support core mission, results, communication, well-being and collaboration. The PCI Team Culture Analysis helps you understand and talk about these elements.
The responses were followed up with a 3-hour feedback workshop where we presented data and ran a dialogue process in groups of 6, centred around the Team Wheel. Participants were given the opportunity to unfold their perspectives and together create insights and a common language.

Precision Technic Defence Group's data results were interesting as there was a clear picture of a well-functioning team culture, even though the organisation has doubled in size over the last year. With the PCI analysis, it was possible to articulate the foundation of the team's existing strength and how together they could secure and spread this awareness to new colleagues.
Here you can read PTD's own reflection on the PCI Team Culture Analysis process and their encounter with the Team Wheel:
"Back home after three amazing days in Ree Park with all our employees. Day three was all about company culture and Conny and Rikke from Ex3 People introduced us to the Team Wheel. The Team Wheel is based on recognised theories on knowledge sharing, complexity, organizational development, psychological safety, group development phases and group dynamics. It also builds on a new interpretation of the concept of cultural intelligence, the ability to create sustainable collaboration with people who think and act differently than you do - a relational skill that impacts results and the bottom line. The team wheel contributes to psychological safety, an open dialogue, respect for diversity, appropriate behaviour, optimal use of competencies and potentials, collaboration and cohesion.
Big thank you to Conny and Rikke Nørgaard for the new insights we are all bringing home helping us create a better common language, a stronger culture and a shared direction."
Ex3's tools can also bring insightful value to your organisation. We are experts in team and organisational culture, and with our PCI analysis and process tools at hand, your ability to future-proof your organisation is enhanced.