Kimbrer/renewtech - fusion case

Ex3 People assists in a merger case where we facilitate Kimbrer Computer (DK) & RenewTech (NE) in their international cultural merger.

They already had 2 strong cultures and they are aiming for a new strong common third.

Initially, we have performed and will continue to perform these insights with them in their Company language, English:

1) We conducted a PCI (People Culture Indicators) analysis for the entire international management team and in each company in Denmark and the Netherlands. We did this in order to have a baseline of what works in each company culture, so we ensure that it is incorporated into the new common 3rd culture. The common language must be cultivated. When culture is measured - culture is created - AND it ensures that resources are used in the best possible way while the good results continue.

2) Online leadership workshop prior to the physical kick-off in Amsterdam to prepare leaders for the dialogue with employees prior to the PCI measurement and kick-off with the use of the dialogue tools, where each group was represented by a leader who had experienced the effect of the dialogue and data tool first-hand.

3) Cultural icebreaker at kickoff in Amsterdam with all employees and managers facilitated by Ex3People. A 2-hour workshop with a joint introduction to the cultural work, the dialogue tools in 11 smaller groups (with both managers and employees) and feedback on the PCI analysis in plenary. Everyone was very engaged and the tools again showed their excellent ability to hold and create a psychologically safe space. We got a lot of evidence over the weekend that the 2 hours had left a lasting and deep impression. The new common frame of reference shed light and awareness on many things - in the present and in the past.

4) Internal management training and "license to operate" certification in Ex3 People's tools, so they can carry out the dialogue processes and initiate the PCI measurements themselves. These are skilled managers who will now be gifted with dedicated leadership training.

5) The customer wants help to establish a successful internal HR department - or should we call it a People Culture department!

'That was fucking great!'

Bjarne Aarup, CEO Kimbrer Computer & RenewTech

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